The freedom of choice in our culture is best exemplified in today's typical supermarket. The myriad of products and brands are a true testament to the diversity of human needs. Even though it represents, in its most radical, the ideals of a democratic, progressive and free society, Benjamin Scheibehenne, a consumer research at the University of Basel in Switzerland, claims that this overload of information can be paralyzing. The branding, logos, slogans and catch phrases directly draw into attention the differential void that exists in seemingly similar products. Each of whom develop a sort of a personality of its own, calling out to us as we walk through the aisles. In this chaotic space one finds it very easy to be overwhelmed by number of choices one sees. Try to buy a pain killer and you are faced with the behemoth task of traversing these differential voids in deciding on how to get rid of that headache. Do you want "fast acting" or "long lasting"? Do you want "gel caps" or "pills"? Do you want "Advil" or "Tylenol"? And if you go to an earth friendly you want "organic" or one with "natural ingredients"? Now interpolate this to an entire grocery list and you can see the level of tension that may develop in the simple act of choosing.
tension of course functions outside the modern supermarket as well. The deep
immersion of our culture in mass media enables the paralysis of these choices
to penetrate the very fabric of our daily lives. We are constantly bombarded
with images and sounds of not only products to consume but also identities to
assume. In out post-modern culture we can literally become anything that we
want to. These choices can be found everywhere, from a higher level world view
philosophy (i.e. the hundreds of religious, spiritual, new age philosophies
that one can prescribe to so that "I may truly find myself") to the
everyday mundane dietary practice (i.e. vegetarianism, veganism, fruitarism,
Lacto/Ovo/Lact-ovo vegetarianism, macrobiotic diet, Paleo diet...etc). Even
Nike has embraced this concept and through their NikeID
service allows customers to design their own shoes. In his book The Paradox of Choice, Barry Schwartz, takes aim
at the central tenet of our western societies i.e. Freedom of Choice. He
claims that these paralyzing choices are in fact not making us happier but they
are rather leading to more dissatisfaction.
"Infinite choices
[are] paralyzing, Schwartz argues, and exhausting to the human psyche. It leads
us to set unreasonably high expectations, question our choices before we even
make them and blame our failures entirely on ourselves." [1]
beyond the tension and anxiety that these choices create, these choices also
function as a way to distort our discourse on ideas like freedom and liberty.
These cornucopias of choices inherently create an illusion of freedom. This is
best illustrated by the following joke from old communist USSR, as told by
"A guy was sent from East Germany
to work in Siberia. He knew his mail would be read by censors, so he told his
friends: “Let’s establish a code. If a letter you get from me is written in
blue ink, it is true what I say. If it is written in red ink, it is false.”
After a month, his friends get the first letter. Everything is in blue. It
says, this letter: “Everything is wonderful here. Stores are full of good food.
Movie theaters show good films from the west. Apartments are large and
luxurious. The only thing you cannot buy is red ink."[2]
is how we live today. We have all the freedoms we want, but what we are lacking
is the language to articulate our unfreedom (the red ink). These free
choices mask a deeper void that exists in our understanding of freedom and
liberty. In a way we are way too distracted by deciding between the 21
different flavors of ice to even consider what it truly means to be free. This
sort of distortion has a significant impact on the way we function as society,
but on a more practical side it also shapes governmental policies. The pretext
of our 'War against Terrorism' is based deeply on a universalized concept of
freedom, and if that very concept itself is distorted, it is hard not to wonder
what we are really fighting for (or against).
Jean Baudrillard, a French sociologist (also
sometimes called the high priest of postmodernism), wrote a book called
'Simulacra and Simulation' in which he claims that this distortion has taken on
a new meaning. According to him our reality is not really distorted, but it is
the distortion that has become the new reality. Our modernism has generated so
many different choices that is it becoming harder and harder to distinguish the
fact from the fiction. Mass media and culture, according to him, construct our
perception of reality from which we acquire a sense of understanding of our
lives and being. The buffet of these constructs is what renders reality as an
illusion. From this distortion simulacra are generated, which are things (or
concepts) that have been copied and twisted so many times and they lack the
original content of their formulation. Our society has been highly saturated
with this simulacrum that we find ourselves in a state of simulation. Here the
human experience is merely simulated devoid of its meaning. According to
Baudrillard, this simulation does not hide any latent truth but rather that the
simulation itself is not based in reality. The excess of the simulacra renders
our reality meaningless. He says:
“We live in a world where there is more
and more information, and less and less meaning.” [3]
“Hell of simulation, which is no longer
one of torture, but of subtle, maleficent, elusive twisting of meaning..."[4]
point here is of course not to be blatantly against having choices or dismissing the multitude of options, but one should resist the temptation of positing
the idea that having choices leads to freedom or liberty. Or even that having
even more options leads to having even more freedom. There is a darker underside
to the excesses that surround us and as attractive as they seem, we should
nonetheless sum up the courage to question the very foundation on which this diversity seemingly
"The price we pay for the complexity of life is too high. When you think of all the effort you have to put in--telephonic, technological and relational--to alter even the slightest bit of behavior in this strange world we call social life, you are left pining for the straightforwardness of primitive peoples and their physical work"[5]
It took me forever to figure out how to leave comments...why does Google want to have and display all of my presonal information?! So annoying...anywho, these are great! I just read the latest entry...don't quit!!!! You have a lot to say and I, for one, would like to read it! I hope to see more...and maybe next time I will be brave enough to share my opinion (lol)